One end is just another beginning

After six months of chemotherapy, I had a final appointment with my oncologist who diagnosed that my Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is showing full remission! I want to personally thank all of you who have walked so faithfully with me throughout this journey. Whether it was a card in the mail, a word of encouragement, or a “like” on a facebook post, knowing that I had an army of support behind me truly made a huge difference.

To that end I will be having a small celebration at my house on November 1st from 5-8. So if you are reading this…you’re invited! There will be a casual, light dinner served at 6 so please let us know if you are able to come!

If you are unable to attend and/or live far far away I still want to thank you for your prayers and thoughts throughout this challenging time, so please drop me a line ( with your current address and I’d love to write you a short note.

Speaking of notes, as I opened this one at my last chemotherapy infusion I was reminded of that the end of one adventure simply signals the beginning of another.
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The realization that my life could have ended but instead continues is profound, and I often find myself thinking about how I should live out what can only be described as feeling like borrowed time. My hope is that through reading about my experiences you have been encouraged and will take hold of life knowing that you don’t have to find out that you might be dying in order to realize that it’s time to start living.

So while this blog may stick around for a little bit longer as I reflect on this journey for now I’ll say mahalo, thanks for sticking with me, and a hui hou, until we meet again.

Much aloha,


Now read this

Behold, the new has come

August 7th, 2015 Most of you have been following my journey so far, but here’s recap: After a routine visit to a vigilant doctor, a trip back home instead of to the middle of the South Pacific, and then six challenging, but not... Continue →